Monday, September 27, 2010

The Rosary as a universal prayer

Rededication of all God’s peoples and nations to follow the ways of the Lord-The prayer of the faithful.
The church is now in a crisis. The great evils of divorce, contraceptives and availability of money (due to lower population growth) are luring people to irresponsible, frivolous lifestyles based on self-gratification .There is no patience ,no perseverance, no self denial , no sacrifice ,no family , no love , no need for Jesus in our lives. This cancerous weed has spread through all the predominantly Christian nations. The homes of great Christian traditions, thinking and way of life, achieved through great suffering and sacrifice of the early Christians are being desolated. The very nations that accepted Jesus Christ as the corner stone in their nation building are now rejecting Him. Evil forces are attempting to pry Him loose and replace Him with other Gods. It is important that these peoples and these nations be forewarned by the church about the consequences of their actions. They should be under no illusion as to how quickly and how absolutely their edifices could crumble to the ground. We forget the supreme sacrifice of our Lord, and the suffering , the hardwork and the martyrdom of His apostles , the martyers and saints to bring to us His words of life and the Kingdom of God. Heaven weeps at the great betrayal by God’s own peoples and nations.Let us therefore heed the warning of Joshua in 24:19 “If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then He will turn and do you harm and consume you after having done you good". Let us also heed the warning of John the Baptist and repent and rededicate ourselves to the Lord. In Lk 18:8 Jesus asks “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?. It is now time for all God’s peoples and all His nations to come together and rededicate ourselves to the Lord and show Him that we have not forgotten Him and we will not abandon Him. The greatest weapon to fight against evil is prayer – prayer, not for our physical and material well being, but prayer for our spiritual well being, to defend against the temptations of evil. As our Lord says in Mat.6:25-34 "Therefore do not be anxious saying what shall we eat?.... But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you", and again in Mat 7:7-11" Ask and it will be given unto you.... How much more will your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him". Our Lord came down to earth, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary to redeem the world. Let us now, through the intercession of His holy Mother , ask the Lord to fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we may abide in Him and once again walk in the ways of the Lord.

Let us therefore make the Rosary a mass prayer from all those who seek to remain the children of God Jn 1:12" But to all those who received Him , who believed in His name , He gave power to become children of God ". Let the nations say the holy Rosary daily at an appointed time and rededicate themselves to the Lord.Instead of the five mysteries let us recite the following intercessions.
1st decade :
O Great Almighty Merciful Lord , Almighty God and Father, O Divine Creator of Heaven and earth, our Lord and Saviour ; fill us O Lord with the Holy Spirit , give us wisdom and understanding , humility and grace that we should always love our Lord and our fellowmen; that we should always be grateful to our Lord and that we should always honour the Lord our God. Keep us O Lord always close to Thee. Help us to always abide in thee and by thy words. Guide us O Lord to always walk in the ways of the Lord. Have mercy on us O Lord and keep us always as thin own children. Protect us Lord from all evil, from all sin and temptation; Forgive us our sins and bring us into eternal life.

2nd decade
Let us not forget O Lord that our children first belong to Thee and have a special place in thy sacred heart. Bless our children and protect them O Lord from all harm. Keep them healthy in mind and body. Give us the wisdom O Lord to teach them and to encourage them to be always close to God , to be humble , generous ,kind and hardworking. Help us O Lord to preserve their innocence and to protect them from all evil and corruption.

3rd decade
Bless us O Lord in our work, in our marriage and in our family life. Give us the wisdom O Lord , to understand that all our talents are given by Thee and help us to find work where we can continue to walk in the ways of the Lord. Help us to be hardworking, humble and generous while at work. Bless us O Lord with marriage within the faith , and may we always remember that it is a sacrament ,sacred to the Lord and is to be preserved at all costs. Bless us O Lord that we should always love each other and always be together even into eternal life. Bless us in our children, in our grand children and in our in-laws. Help us to understand O Lord that to keep the Holy Spirit within us and to remain always within thy grace we have to attend Sunday Mass and receive Holy Eucharist regularly. Let it be our foundation of a stable , happy and peaceful family life. Bless us O Lord with patience, perseverance and stability in our work, in our marriage and in our family life.

4th decade
Bless your people Israel. Bless all your peoples and all your nations and especially Your Holy Church. Protect them and keep them holy against the forces of evil so that the whole world will know that only our merciful loving Lord is God.

5th decade
Intercession for our personal needs and graces

The words of the prayers of the Rosary, including the intercessions, should be annunciated separately , clearly and with due deliberation. All your concentration should only be on the words of the prayers. Keep your mind and heart completely free of all thoughts, so that you are open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you resist the distraction of the devil and concentrate on the words of the prayers and intercessions , in reverence and piety, the Holy Spirit will teach you how to pray and take you to higher and higher levels of reverence and piety and closeness to God and the Kingdom of Heaven. There should be no thought or consideration of time while reciting the Rosary. If said with appropriate piety and reverence it should take 30-35 minutes. The slower it is recited ,the greater satisfaction you receive.

As it is an act of rededication of all God’s peoples and nations , it should be said together. The time of the commencement should be fixed for each nation according to local tradition and convenience. It should be said at a fixed time to show our commitment and obedience; it should be said together as a nation to ensure a sense of togetherness and oneness with our Lord and the kingdom of Heaven.

The following prayer should be said between decades: My Lord and my God who came down from Heaven and suffered and died on the Holy Cross for love of us, continue to love us O Lord and Bless us , look after us , forgive our sins and bring us into eternal life.

At the end of the Rosary , a litany to our Lady , St. Joseph and all the apostles should be said.

The following special prayer is also recommended: O Most Holy Virgin Mary, appointed by God to be the help of all people, we choose thee as the Mother and Protectress of our homes. We ask to favour us with Your powerful protection. Preserve our homes from every danger; from fire, flood, lightening , storm, earthquake, thieves, vandals and every other danger. Bless us, defend us and protect us; keep as your own all the people who dwell in our homes. Protect us from all accidents, sickness and misfortune; but above all , obtain for us the most important grace of being united with you and your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Mary , help of all people, pray for all those who live in our homes which are dedicated to you and our Lord for all time, Amen.

All prayers especially the prayers of the Holy Rosary (including the intercession) is direct communication with the Heavenly Father and the kingdom of Heaven. The elements of prayer are adoration, worship, praise, glorification, faith, hope, love, gratitude, surrender and a cry for forgiveness and help , creating a oneness and rapture with God and the kingdom of Heaven. While all the prayers and the intercessions are old , traditional , beautiful and full of meaning and holiness , the ‘Our Father’ is a divine prayer as it was taught to by our Lord Himself. The prayers therefore are not to be said lightly and casually but rather with utmost seriousness , concentration and reverence. The Rosary should be said kneeling down and it should be ensured that there are no distractions or interruptions during the prayer. It should preferably be said at daytime and it would be helpful if it could be said facing atleast a patch of heaven.

The celebration of the Holy Mass will always be the most sacred interaction between man and God. It is hoped that people will embrace the mass recital of the holy rosary as proposed and invite the kingdom of Heaven into their homes and into their lives. This should take people more frequently into churches to celebrate the Divine Eucharist and through the Holy Spirit bring the people back to God.

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